
Accept Cash Payments with Cash Collection Software

cash collection software enables e-commerce merchants to accept cash payments

To this day, cash remains a widely-preferred payment method among customers worldwide. However, for merchants, offering cash as a payment option can be challenging, as it requires proper management and handling to integrate into their financial operations. Traditional cash handling is usually a manual process, which can be labor-intensive and pose risks such as human errors and internal fraud. Luckily, there is a solution: a cash collection software.

What is a cash collection software?

Cash collection software allows digital platforms to enable cash as a checkout option, and provide customers with a convenient and accessible payment option that doesn't require a bank account or credit card. This is particularly beneficial for digital platforms operating in markets where cash is still the preferred payment method, such as goods/services delivery and mobility companies. With cash collection software, couriers and drivers can easily accept cash payments, which increases convenience and enhances customer satisfaction.

Benefits of having a cash collection software

  1. Increased revenue: By offering cash as a payment option, enterprises can cater to customers who prefer using cash and reach a wider audience, particularly in markets where cash is still the preferred payment method. In fact, in emerging markets, providing cash as a payment option can result in up to 30% higher checkout conversion rates
  2. Streamlined payment process: Cash collection software enables large enterprises to automate and simplify the payment process, eliminating manual tasks and saving time and resources. This frees up staff to focus on more valuable tasks and improves overall efficiency.
  3. Enhanced security: Cash collection software provides enhanced security for cash payments. By automating the collection process and providing detailed reporting and analytics, cash collection software minimize the risk of errors and internal fraud, ensuring the security of transactions.
  4. Improved customer satisfaction: By offering a variety of payment options, including cash, digital platforms can provide a more convenient and accessible payment experience for their customers.

up to 30%
higher checkout conversion in emerging markets
automation with lower handling costs and fraud

Automated cash collection is an ideal solution for merchants who want to offer cash as a payment method. By implementing an automated cash collection system, merchants can easily track all cash orders using ledgers and seamlessly access a network of local cash collection providers through a single integration layer. This simplifies the payment process and ensures the security of transactions, providing peace of mind for both the merchant and the customer.

Curious to see how our automated cash collection solution can benefit your company? Request a demo today and discover how our solution can enable you to seamlessly accept cash payments, streamline your payment process, minimize the risk of errors and fraud, and enhance convenience for your customers.

Start optimizing your payments today